Types of Memberships

Non Recurring Memberships

Occasionally we offer a 365-day, one-year membership to specific websites. This option does NOT automatically renew. This option is not available for all products or billers. Please check the join page options of the website you are interested in.

Recurring Memberships

All 30 day and 90 day subscriptions are recurring and will automatically renew at the end of the initial membership period unless specifically stated otherwise when you sign up. To provide uninterrupted enjoyment of our websites, your membership will continue and will renew automatically until you cancel your subscription.

Trial Memberships

Your membership may include trial subscriptions if those options were checked when you signed up. Trial memberships may be a ‘1 Day’ trial, or a ‘3 Day trial’ and will be offered for a discounted rate. All trial memberships will automatically convert to a full subscription at the end of the trial period and be […]